Thursday, February 5, 2015

28 weeks!

 Pregnancy Ticker

My mornings: Its getting hard to drag myself out of bed again. I wake up to use the restroom and then I am wide awake. Then I fall asleep and wake up again with my hips hurting. By the time its time to get up on weekdays I have such a hard time dragging myself out of bed.

My nights: The body pillow is by best friend.

How far along: 28 weeks! 3rd Trimester!

How big is baby: Eggplant, about 13.6-14.8" and 1.5-2.2 lbs.

Weight Gain: At my appointment Monday the scale showed that I am only up 4 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight!

Appointments: Monday is my first growth ultrasound and right after a regular appointment and follow up to the ultrasound. Hopefully she isn't growing too fast.

How I’m changing: My belly is a bit bigger, but otherwise not much else is new.

What I miss: I don't think I have been thinking about too much this week, but I could go for some sushi.

Symptoms: Backache, hips hurt (a lot), heartburn

Cravings: Ice Cream… Which I haven't had in weeks. :-(

Food Aversions: I think I am officially past the aversions stage. 

Highlights this week: I didn't do so great with the diet this week. I gave in to Thai and Lebanese. So delicious, but so full of carbs.

Maternity clothes:  I bought more shirts to add to the rotation.

Stretch marks: No new ones still as far as I can tell.

Sleep: My back and hips hurt and my brain is too active at night.

Movement: All the time. I finally started actually seeing my belly move and C got to see a huge belly jump.

SEX: Baby girl! Josephine Mae.

Labor signs: Hopefully not for 12 more weeks.

Belly button: Innie

What I am looking forward to: Our Baby Shower! 17 more days to go.

Milestones: 3rd Trimester!

Other: Gestational Diabetes sucks. My doctor told me I am doing a good job but still… UGH! I did not to a good job with my diet this week.

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