Friday, January 23, 2015

35 Weeks!

 Pregnancy Ticker

My mornings: They fluctuate, but are best when I can wake up naturally.

My nights: The body pillow is still my friend, but nights are getting painful.

How far along: 35 weeks!

How big is baby: Coconut or a bunch of carrots apparently but my growth ultrasound on Tuesday estimated her at about 6 lbs 10 oz.

Weight Gain: I am up 11lbs from pre pregnancy weight. They think 3-5 of that is swelling water weight though.

Appointments: I had my growth ultrasound and Biophysical Profile. She is going to be a big girl and she passed with a 8/8 score. I officially have PIH though and have to watch closely for pre-eclampsia signs. I am told induction will occur at 37 weeks due to the pre-e risk rising after that. Cervical check and group B strep swab in Tuesday.

How I’m changing: Feeling bigger

What I miss: I want all the ice cream and chocolate truffles and Guinness.

Symptoms: Backache, hips hurt, heartburn, pelvic pain, pregnancy rhinitis, swelling.

Cravings: See what I miss. 

Food Aversions: Nothing.

Highlights this week: Finding out we get t meet Josie early.

Maternity clothes:  Same as before.

Stretch marks: A couple little new ones, all small.

Sleep: I miss it. :-(

Movement: It's more rolls and small jabs versus big kicks now.

SEX: Baby girl! Josephine Mae.

Labor Signs: None, but induction in about 2 weeks! Eek!

Belly button: Innie

What I am looking forward to: Getting the house CLEAN and meeting her.

Milestones: None

Other: Nothing much. Finishing up work stuff.

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