Friday, January 23, 2015

26 weeks!

Posting this a day early because Comicon is tomorrow and I will probably be super distracted.
 Pregnancy Ticker

My mornings: They are hard on workdays :-(

My nights: I am using my body pillow every night, and it helps. I am waking up at least once for a restroom trip though.

How far along: 26 weeks!

How big is baby: Lettuce, about 13.6-14.8 inches and about 1.5-2.2 lbs.

Weight Gain: I am only up about 7-8 lbs from pre pregnancy weight!

**NEW Appointments: I have another appointment with my new practice on monday to check my levels and see what's next. I *THINK* we are to the every 2 week appointments now if this practice is like the last one. I am not sure though, they may want to see me more often because of the Gestational Diabetes. I will have a growth scan around 28 weeks to make sure baby isn't going to grow too big. That scan will likely determine whether I will have to be induced.

How I’m changing: I think she had a little bit of a growth spurt. I think I finally look a little bigger again. (See HDBD pics)

What I miss: Sugar and not having to count carbs and protein.

Symptoms: Fatigue, light occasional cramps and an aching pelvis. Also, Gestational Diabetes. BOO.

Cravings: Nothing particular right now.

Food Aversions: Nothing! Chicken is a go again!

Highlights this week: This week was pretty stressful. I epically failed my glucose tolerance test. I finally got my results and they were really bad. I started an oral medication Tuesday night that is supposed to help my cells absorb the glucose better and I think it has been helping so hopefully with diet and exercise and I won't need insulin.

Maternity clothes:  Same as before, I am trying to find some used clothes to add to the rotation.

Stretch marks: No new ones still as far as I can tell.

Sleep: I think some insomnia is back because I am more uncomfortable. I wake up really sore on my back sometimes. This week involved a lot of wake-ups due to baby movement and pressure, but it also may have been partially stress and worrying about the GD and effects on Josephine and worries about possible induction.

Movement: Daily! Some days are less than others, but I feel her every day now! Also C finally got to feel her, and not once, but multiple times and there has only been one day since that she didn't cooperate for him!

SEX: Baby girl! Josephine Mae.

Labor signs: Hopefully not for 14 more weeks. Hoping to NOT have to induce.

Belly button: Innie

What I am looking forward to: At this point I am looking forward to the baby shower next month so that I can celebrate with friends and a few family and figure out what I need to buy still. I think my work will throw me one too. I am a little sad because I think we will get some crap from DH's family for not inviting them to the shower next month, but the friend throwing it doesn't have enough room so I kept it to people who are pretty close to and supportive of us. I am pretty sure none of the IL's will be wanting to throw a family shower so I am just hoping they aren't too hurt they weren't put on the list.

Milestones: 2 more weeks and 3rd trimester will be here (Unless I am wrong and 3rd tri is 27 weeks? Internet search tells me both 27 and 28)! Lots of kicks!


~Comicon tomorrow!! So excited to ogle celebs and listen to some nerdy talks! 
~Visiting my dad Sunday!
~Baby shower in less than a month!

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