Monday, January 12, 2015

24 Weeks!

LATE AGAIN! I need to plan ahead better.
 Pregnancy Ticker

My mornings: They fluctuate, some are fine and some are really hard. Mostly it's hard to wake up before 8.

My nights: I am using the body pillow pretty much every night now. I need it to support my body ands it lets me sleep on my side/front more comfortably. Winding up on my back is uncomfortable now.

How far along: 24 weeks!

How big is baby: Cantaloupe, about 10.5" and 1 lb!

Weight Gain: I am still up 10 lbs from pre pregnancy weight. I need to change up my diet soon.

How I’m changing: Not much change since last week that I notice.

What I miss: Sushi is a regular thing I miss. I really want red wine lately.

Symptoms: Fatigue, backache, heartburn. I am finally getting the dreaded nighttime heartburn, but thats why I kept my Tums on my nightstand.

Cravings: Sweets and Potatoes. 

Food Aversions: I think nothing. I had relatively plain chicken this week and had no trouble with it.

Highlights this week: Stronger and more regular kicks! I also met my new OB and I like her, which is a huge relief.

Maternity clothes:  Same as before. I would like one or two new shirts and a dress or two though. The rotation I have gets a bit old. I also wish I had some more flat boots. I only have the one pair and I wish I had a black, tan, and brown pair.

Stretch marks: I don't think any new ones, but C noticed a couple that seemed higher than before, but they aren't red and new-looking so I wonder if I just notice them more.

I have to get up once a night to use the restroom and even when I can sleep in my bladder doesn't let me go beyond around 9am. I also wake up uncomfortable quite often.

Movement: C still hasn't been able to feel it, but she is kicking/punching more often and stronger in the mornings and evenings. I have only felt it from the outside twice though. She likes kicking/punching downward a lot.

SEX: Baby girl! Josephine Mae.

Labor signs: Hopefully not for 16 more weeks.

Belly button: Innie, but shallow.

What I am looking forward to: Finishing the nursery (so close to done) and C feeling kicks.

Milestones: 4 more weeks and 3rd trimester will be here! We are about in the age of viability!

Other: Seeing my Bio dad next weekend. trying not to stress about child care.

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